Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Develop a Positive Attitude

What is a positive attitude? Some would suggest it's a state were you feel powerful, others would say it's a state of peace, or even joy. I'd say, all of these answer are only right if you merge them together.

There's specific step by step system that allow anybody to develop this power within,  this state where you feel you could do anything and succeed. The same state that, when you are having a hard time in life, you know deep inside you'll make it trough.

I've been studying this thing called positive attitude for the last 14 years of my life. I've been trough depression, anxiety attack, limiting belief, poverty, sickness, loneliness, and made it back to a powerfully positive perspective of life and got result accordingly.

After being trough a long journey, I really wish to help you on your own journey. A journey toward an amazing positive attitude that will stay with you whatever happen. I've learn a million things, a lot of them just didn't got me any result. I want to make sure you don't waste your time and energy so I will share what brought me the fastest most efficient inner growth toward a better, easier life.

Here's a two minutes exercise that will instantly make you feel better:

  • Sit back comfortably in your computer chair.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Picture the last most beautiful sunny day you can remember.
  • Slowly breath in by the nose while you count to five.
  • Keep the sunny picture in your mind
  • Slowly breath out trough your mouth as if there was a feather in front of you you didn't wanted to move while counting to ten.
  • Repeat the process five time.

How does that feel? It always amaze me how simple but extremely efficient these exercise can be. This is what could be called meditation. These exercise will ALWAYS relax you and make you fell more focused. It might be obvious but, it is literally impossible to feel stressed and calm at the same time. Every time you do these exercises, whatever the circumstances, you will always feel better after.

Meditation is practiced by top athletes, business people, public performer, and regular people looking for an easy way to get rid of the stress stored in their body and mind. It clear away the negativity and raise your mental and physical power.

How to get fast result:

Now, not only you can multiply the feeling you got in the first exercise in a few minutes but you can do it easier, faster and the result will last a lot longer. Audio meditation naturally synchronize your whole state of mind with the positive music and message you are listening to. The huge benefit of this is: you don't need to know what to do, just listen, and you automatically get the benefit. In a very short period of time, you will notice a big difference in your level of focus and power. As you listen to it over and over, it become a permanent state that empower you in every part of your life.

One of the best audio meditation program available right now is Zero Limits Maui Meditation from Joe Vitale, one of the major guest speaker of the movie and book "The Secret". Simply amazing product. I love is idea of the whiteboard as the center of all possibilities. Amongst hundreds of others, that's the one that gives you result, FAST.

I'm looking forward to go in dept in different articles on many different tips, learning and exercise on how you can easily develop a powerful, positive attitude.

Wish you the best!
